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2021-05-15 12:14

        2021年5月15日星期六,澳门电竞培训基地(Sandbox Macau)正式启动。国际大学创新联盟(IUIA)与中国澳门电子竞技运动大联盟总会(MESUF)在基地启动仪式中,远程连线签署了战略合作备忘录。

        On Saturday, May 15, 2021, Sandbox Macau (Macau) officially launched. IUIA and the Macau Electronique Sports Union Federation (MESUF) signed a memorandum of strategic cooperation via remote connection at the launch ceremony of the base.



Starting from 2021, IUIA is committed to organizing e-sports events with renowned universities and institutions throughout the world. Young people in universities and colleges will complete the transformation from players to developers, practitioners and scientists through e-sports game competitions, UAV and unmanned car competitions, robot competitions and other projects. At the same time, IUIA will also organize the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area e-sports forum together with universities, industry leaders and organizations, to ignite the fire of e-sports, gather thousands of rivers into the sea.


IUIA will conduct multi-level cooperation with MESUF in terms of e-sports industry forum, university student activities, league, etc. The two sides will establish the preliminary matches of the league as the training base of e-sports in Macao, cooperate to enrich the content of the esports industry forum, strengthen the popularization of e-sports culture in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the mainland, and cooperate with relevant cities to hold e-sports events, cultivate e-sports professionals and operate e-sports incubation bases.

澳门电竞培训基地将作为国际大学创新联盟(IUIA)位于澳门当地的联络点和永久会址,成为IUIA与MESUF 战略合作伙伴关系的见证。我们将与MESUF一起,令中国电竞产业各领域共同联合,同时利用澳门与葡语系国家优势,独一无二地串流中国与世界各地的电竞建设。

The Macau E-Sports Training Base will serve as the local contact point and permanent meeting place of IUIA in Macau, and will be a testament to the strategic partnership between IUIA and MESUF. Together with MESUF, we will bring all sectors of the e-sports industry in China and leverage the strengths of Macau and the Portuguese-speaking countries to uniquely connect e-sports construction in China and around the world.







其中已连续三年举办全澳大学生 KOM 电竞赛事,构建平台予澳门本地学生交流碰撞,为本澳首屈一指的电竞品牌,代表的是高水准,专业化的电竞比赛本体,同时亦为澳门最大型的电竞赛事之一。与此同时,也持续不断举办电子竞技类的社区活动,包括在各大中小学进行讲座、在社团当中宣传电竞文化,防止市民沉迷电竞,另外也不断举行本地各大小型比赛、电子产业类型的工作坊等,进一步提升本地人才的培育,电竞专才的的投入,向大众传播电子竞技的正面氛围,加强澳门电竞泛产业建设等,在澳门打造良好的电子竞技风气文化。冀令令澳门电竞人材不论是选手、工作人员、裁判员、其他产业相关者,一同向前发展,宣传本澳电竞文化!